In the December issue, get a taste of the sweet life as we check in with Theresa Rotter on the success of Bakery 88.
In the December issue, get a taste of the sweet life as we check in with Theresa Rotter on the success of Bakery 88.
The building that majestically sits on the south side at the center of the block of Fourth Street, between Cook and Banning Avenues, was constructed more than a century ago as the White Bear YMCA.
Theresa Rotter’s experience as a graphic designer is evident in every perfectly sculpted fondant detail of the cakes, cupcakes and cookies she bakes. And her work is as delicious as it is beautiful.
Celtic whistle, acoustic guitar, percussion, violin, piano and bagpipes—the combination, plus three-part female vocals, creates the distinct music of SimpleGifts. Formed in late 2001, the group that takes an original approach to Christmas music has released six albums.
Colorful string lights, enchanted snowfalls, holiday goodies and waiting for Santa. That magical time of the year is approaching, and what better way to celebrate the holiday season than with events in the White Bear Lake area?
Elementary school isn’t what it used to be.
A birthday is an important time in a child’s life, and Cheerful Givers’ creator Robin Zelaya believes every child deserves a gift to celebrate his or her special day.
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, White Bear Lake Mercantile is once again gracing the streets of downtown White Bear Lake—albeit a little different than the original.
GoodKids expanded from GoodThings in May of 2016 and has been supplying the White Bear Lake area with fun items ever since. “We’re [everything] baby, toys, games,” manager Megan Walsh says.
It was February when Monica Russell was walking back to her car from the 2016 Art Shanties Project on the White Bear Lake Ramsey County Beach. From a distance, she looked back at the event that harbored artists’ talent in an unusual environment.
Jo Emerson, the mayor of White Bear Lake, was elected president of the League of Minnesota Cities for 2017–2018. The election took place on June 15th at the League’s Annual Conference in Rochester.
A coming-of-age story, the young adult/adult novel, Redemption’s Run, follows 12-year-old Kacie Aldrich and her quest to find a father she never knew. Set in the picturesque Apostle Islands of Bayfield, Wisconsin, the novel captures the courage of a young girl searching for answers.
Has your pup been naughty or nice this year? Regardless, Lulu & Luigi is the place to go so your pup can look and feel their best this holiday season. Featuring a bakery full of holiday-themed treats, Christmas trees stocked with toys and a grooming service, this shop has it all.
If you do the work you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. And Sacha Hilpisch, owner of Select Vintage, knows this adage well.